Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rice bowl

Stastistically, I slept about 6.5 hours a day, work about 12 hours commute about 1 hour, leaving me about 4.5hours for things other than WORK. Is that the life I want? Yes, if the hours I put in contributes positively into my personal achievement and I know that I'm appreciated for the efforts, or at least I see results from those hours poured in. Otherwise, overworking simply drains me if I feel overutilised but under-appreciated, more so if the environment is such that unethical work etiquette and there are no clear segregation of duties or proper internal controls to ensure every procedure is carried out meticulously and according to the standard operating procedures as set out in the manual/guide/etc.

How I really wish, like millions of others, that I hit the jackpot, start my own business and build a comfortable nest in this huge little metropolitan.

As I sat here wide awake at 3 in the morning after a hectic week of work on this faithful day that I receive my pathetic pay increment, I hope I could force out some emotion from this hardened soul of mine. Deep inside, I felt my throat choking with unheard cries and a tonne of dissatisfaction, but there were no tears or voices of anger emitted from yours truly to lighten the load on recessed ego.

I honestly despise the working culture of Asia, I still harbour dreams of getting into a company that promotes it self as employer of choice, of which most local companies would never dream of bringing that idea of putting employees first.

Enough of badgering on the corporate life. I would like to toast to A that he may and will find a better job so S would not need to worry about him. And a prayer to God that He will lead and guide K in his life's direction. And with Your blessings, I hope things will turnaround and the road (life) ahead will be straighter with no rocky path or hump or frequent crossjunctions.

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