Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday news from my room

Woke up with a throbbing headache. This headache has been bugging me the past 3 weeks. I had it every single day including weekends when my brain usage is almost next to zero. It must be my eye sight, the tiny little cyst pressing against my eyeball, a little growth there places immense pressure to our delicate eyeball. I would need to count my blessing if that is the cause of it, nothing more serious or deathly.

I met up with Stanley for lunch today, took him for a tour around my home and the mall downstairs. He must be quite a looker judging from the eyes fixtated at him especially from young girls( I usually don't get that much stares when I walk around with someone else). I've never been gorgeous so never would have guys along the street admiring me with eye contact!bummer.. I'm glad K isn't a looker because I rather be secure with the fact I like how he looks but not everyone else. I never share the conventional idealism of how a perfect man should look like, my preference of an ideal guy's appearance is never the same with most other ladies I know. I'm pretty much a primitive woman, going for that deep voice and broad shoulders, the square jawlines and strong hands and probably carrying much facial hair. I need to stand next to a man to know if I would ever find him interesting, it's what I feel within when he is near. Androgynous guys, pretty guys, thin ones, those with silken skin never appeal to me historically. It's as if I'm looking for a man that is tall and huge enough to fight a lion, kill it and shoulder it back to me as dinner.

Men..can I live without one?

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