Thursday, May 24, 2007

of liquer chocs and singleton

Today I left office at 7pm..that's early! The feeling is great as I walked out of the tower, the sun slowly sinking into the horizon, my tote is lightweight (no tahpau-ing of office work) and like hundreds others, rushing to the subway for our next itinerary. I made my way to a supermarket and bought close to $50 of liquer chocolate and dark chocolate bars (for my mum ok..). Then had kimchi dinner with a friend staying nearby.

By the time I got home, it's already 9.30. Noticing no one home, I turned on the loud vacuum and sucked up all the cobwebs and dust under my bed, did a whole load of laundry and am now sitting here in the living room w a cup of cold milk, soft lights on...accompanied by the deafening silence of being home alone. Going to pack my bags for the weekend trip and hit the sack in a jiffy.

Good night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite...(Chris, it reminds me of you whenever I say that =j )

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